It happens every day..... but you can help

In the next 30 seconds, a child will be sold into sex slavery.



That’s the sad, horrible truth for countless kids around the world. In Moldova, when kids are kicked out of the orphanages, they are often forced out onto the streets where they are at constant risk of being sold into slavery. They have nowhere to go, no idea how… or if… they will eat today.
When there’s no one to love you, no one to care for you, your options are few and far between, and they are often dangerous.
But thanks to your compassionate and giving heart, we are able to provide a safe home to many of these children. Stella’s Voice is often the only place they can turn, the only safe option they have.
But we need your help to continue providing safe shelter, food, clothing and care for the kids in our homes—and for those we haven’t met yet.
Will you donate today? A gift of any amount would be appreciated—in the fight against human trafficking, every bit matters.
Together with you, we have already done so much good in Moldova. But there are so many other kids out there who need our help. We want to do more . . . we need to do more.
Please act today. I hope you will consider giving generously—I believe you will.